With repetition comes innovation

Recently I read an article (in Dutch) about the power of repetition. Currently, innovation is the most important thing; everybody wants it. But in daily life, innovation is only a minor part of what is going on in the world. By far, most of our needs are fulfilled with repetitive activities. To name some of the most important ones: collecting trash, treating sewerage water, curing diseases etc.. Therefore, I agree with the authors’ view on the overrated value of innovation in current society and see some parallels for the development of High Temperature ATES. Yes, surely innovations are needed, but useful/successful innovations can only be identified when you have experience, and the latter is what we still miss with this technology.

Why do we like innovations so much? Doing stuff for the first time is exciting: riding a bike, skiing, doing an escape room, building an HT-ATES system, it doesn’t matter, doing it for the first time is fun! But truly mastering those activities takes experience, and experience only comes with practice. Riding a bike and skiing on its own are complex activities which require coordination, balance, agility and stamina. Once you master those, the conditions under which you carry out these activities vary: different roads/slopes, other traffic/skiers and varying weather/snow conditions. Before you can bike or ski on your own, it takes a lot of practice, but even then the most experienced biker or skier my fall or crash, due to a moment of inattentiveness or external factors.

With building an HT-ATES system, this is more or less the same. Making these systems requires a thorough understanding of (among others) well design, geo (hydro)logy /chemistry, exergy, mechanical engineering, thermodynamics, fluid flow (through porous media). But since demand/supply conditions at surface, as well as subsurface conditions, are always different, we need experience under various conditions to sutilise our technical skills/knowledge for successful applications of these systems to its full potential.

The reason why I put this forward in this column is that the current expectations on geothermal energy technologies for the energy transition are so high that everybody is talking about upscaling. After all, the deadline for the energy transition is already in 2050! But we have so little experience with some of these systems that we cannot know to what extend these expectations are justified and which innovations are needed to actually utilise the technical potential.


For the BTES and low temperature ATES systems, we already have quite a lot of experience, 50,000 and 3,000 systems running respectively. As a result, we are now identifying improvements, e.g. regarding drilling and completion, high density use of subsurface space and optimal design and operation of building installations. This clearly illustrates that we first need experience, giving us a thorough understanding of the functioning of these systems, which then allows us to identify where chances for improvements/solutions are. Other examples are the recent technologies we’ve put forward in managed aquifer recharge. Experience with wells and the fresh-saline water interaction for the drinking water companies in the dunes allowed us to come up with systems for greenhouses to buffer fresh water in saline aquifers. Again, repeated application and experience allowed us to identify innovations.


Before going large scale with HT-ATES, we also need experience. This technology is technically much more complex than LT-ATES and BTES, and inherently more different fields of expertise are needed to build and operate them. So, before talking about the innovations needed for up-scaling, let’s get more experienced.

Learning to ride a bike

When learning to ride a bike, we start with balance bikes, tricycles and training wheels. With HT-ATES we need to ride some mileage with training wheels, i.e. pilot/research projects. Therefore, we need to have multiple pilots with extensive monitoring and research. National government and provinces think HT-ATES is important for the energy transition, but have no clear vision on the development of HT-ATES. I advocate coming-up with a plan to have multiple well monitored and researched pilot projects on HT-ATES across the Netherlands. The results of these projects can be used to technically improve HT-ATES, assess its impact and function in energy systems and identify suitable legislation.

To be clear, this column is not meant to temper the high expectations for HT-ATES for the energy transition. But it is a plea to invest in them. Large scale heat storage will be crucial to decarbonise heating. Therefore we have to do this the right way. At the start of this development, we now have one chance to make an extra effort to gain extra information to make sure we learn something from each project, which then allows us to improve. Nothing is more killing for a new technology or product than the failure of the first couple of prototypes! Lets make sure we make them a success!

Dr. Martin!

Op 16 mei 2018 verdedigde ik mijn proefschrift The hidden side of cities over bodemenergie-opslagsystemen bij de TU Delft. Ik presenteer in mijn proefschrift methoden voor governance, ontwerp en planning van bodemenergiesystemen die in gebieden met veel gebouwen kunnen bijdragen aan een betere planning, zodat meer bodemenergiesystemen kunnen worden geplaatst dan in de huidige praktijk is toegestaan en een grotere energiebesparing ontstaat. Ik heb dit promotie-onderzoek afgerond naast mijn onderzoeksprojecten bij KWR en bestuursfunctie bij de branchevereniging BodemenergieNL. Promotor is prof. dr. ir. T.N. Olsthoorn.


Duurzamer met bodemenergie

Open bodemenergiesystemen (ook bekend als warmte-koudeopslag- of WKO-systemen) leveren duurzame verwarming en koeling voor gebouwen. Verduurzaming van de energievoorziening betekent onder meer dat in de toekomst veel gebouwen in gematigde klimaten afhankelijk zullen zijn van bodemenergie. Omdat de bodem beperkt ruimte biedt, is het belangrijk de volledige potentie van de ondergrond op een duurzame manier te benutten voor bodemenergie. Dat vraagt onder andere om slim om te gaan met de trade-off die er is tussen de individuele rendementen van systemen en de toename in energiebesparing van een groter gebied, waarin meer systemen een plaats (kunnen) krijgen.

Governance, ontwerp en planning

In zijn proefschrift ‘The hidden side of cities’ presenteert Bloemendal  methoden voor governance, ontwerp en planning van bodemenergiesystemen. Om te bepalen waar in de wereld deze methoden kunnen worden ingezet, is een globale kaart ontwikkeld die op basis van ondergrond- en klimaatgegevens laat zien waar WKO kan worden toegepast. Hieruit blijkt dat in stedelijke gebieden in Noord-Amerika, Europa en Oost-Azië een verbeterde planning en ontwerp van bodemenergiesystemen kunnen zorgen dat de bodem optimaal wordt ingezet voor bodemenergie, waardoor een grotere energiebesparing ontstaat.



Kick-off TKI GeoEnergy

Thursday May 31st I visited the kick-off of the new TKI program on “GeoEnergy”. This TKI program line used to focus on hydrocarbons (then called “TKI upstream gas”), but starting from today the ministry of Economic affairs  and climate (EZK / RVO) will only grant research subsidies to projects that contribute to the energy transition.

Many research questions and challenges in oil and gas are similar  to storing, recovering and producing sustainable energy from the subsurface. Geothermal heat production got an important position in this program. With respect to storage the focus is still very much on gas (CH4, H2 and CO2) so there is still some work for me to put the importance for heat storage on the agenda!  But overall the launch of this program is of course a good step to further increase research towards sustainable solutions!

My colluague Phil during lunch/poster session

The research program is structured around 7 program lines:

  1. Geological Characterization
  2. Energy Reservoir development
  3. Drilling and Completion
  4. Well & and Flowline Management
  5. Energy System Integration and Infrastructure
  6. Abandonment, Re-use & Decommissioning
  7. Societal Demands & Public Participation

The strategic road map developed by by the industry and research institutes was hand over to the TKI GeoEnergy progam office. at the end of the day.

Strategic roadmap GeoEnergy

European Geosciences Union 2018, Vienna

Energy saving Potential for ATES & BTES quantified

I Co-authored the presentation of Marc Jaxa-Rozen on how they quantified the potential savings of ATES world-wide. This work builds on my earlier work on determining the world potential for ATES. These results are now combined with the latest IPCC climate scenario’s (CMIP5), detail building energy demand in 588 urban regions around the world and adoption scenarios for ATES and BTES. The results indicate that the largest absolute energy savings can be obtained in China and North America. The largest relative contributions can be expected in Europe.


Thermal processes in the subsurface

Like I also did the previous years, I organized the session on thermal processes in the subsurface. In this session several talks on ATES were given. High temperature ATES receives a lot of attention in Germany, given the many research occurring there. However another presenter from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology showed in his research on the historic development of ATES that HT-ATES fail in almost all cases. He Showed that of the current operating ATES systems 99.9% is low temperature. Please find the abstract of the posters and orals here:

Next to some in-depth technical sessions on geothermal I attended a general session/debate on risk free technologies to facilitate the energy transition and limit climate change. The discussion quickly focused on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), since the risk of applying that were considered much larger compared to the geothermal energy  technologies. It was also stated by various experts that large scale CCS is needed to stay within 2 degree climate change limit. And that development of the CCS technology is needed, both to reduce risks and increase efficiency.

A final, and in my opinion spot-on, remark of one of the panelists was that, no matter what the risks are of new technologies for saving CO2, continuing emitting CO2 is also very risky, only we don’t seem to realize that..

European Geothermal Phd Day 2018 in Zurich

Every year Phd students working on geothermal energy gather to have a short informal conference. This year the ETH in Zurich is the host of the 9th edition. With about 80 participants the conference attracts a stable number of researchers from countries all over Europe and beyond. With 5 people from Delft we were one of main contributing Universities. Presentations and posters cover a wide range of topics regarding geothermal energy. From the high enthalpy systems for power production all the way to the Ground source heat pumps and from technical work on simulation and field studies up to governance and management studies. Traditionally the conference is closed with a field trip; to a geothermal power plant.

Key developments

Some general views on key developments that were presented:

  • New drilling methods. Man kind has always used rotary drilling methods. Whith the trend towards more and deeper boreholes in more solid rocks, the demand for contactless drilling increases. Promising developments were shown on sonic, laser and waterjet methods.
  • New concepts combining CO2 storage in geothermal reservoirs and recovery for power production
  • New (composite) materials and monitoring methods to ensure well integrity.

Me during my presentation

World potential and salinity stratified aquifers

I had two contributions. On the first day is was co-author on the oral presentation of my colleague Marc Jaxa-Rozen, in which he presented our results on theATES potential world wide. The results show that thare is a lot of unexploited potential for energy savings with ATES in Asia and north America.

The second day I presented the results of my study with my promotor Theo Olstoorn on the effect of buoyancy flow on the efficiency of ATES systems caused by a salinity gradient in aquifers. The results show that under conditions occurring in The Netherlands such buoyancy effects do not affect efficiency significantly.


Conference website https://geg.ethz.ch/conferences/egpd/


poster session

Session abstract: ATES systems in salinity stratified aquifers

One site specific condition for Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) is an increasing salinity with aquifer depth. Such conditions are often present in coastal areas where also the demand for ATES application is high because urban development is concentrated in coastal areas. The seasonally alternating extraction and re-injection between ATES wells disturbs the preexisting ambient salinity gradient and causes horizontal density gradients, which trigger buoyancy flow, which in turn affect the recovery efficiency of the heat storage.

Analytical and numerical methods are used to understand and explain the processes that cause buoyancy flow to occur in such situations, as well as to quantify the effect relative to other losses. The results of this research shows that buoyancy losses may become considerable at ambient density gradients of over 0.5 kg/m3/m in combination with a vertical hydraulic conductivity of over 5 m/d. Monowell systems suffer more from buoyancy losses compared to doublet systems.


The weather was nice, so also exploring Zurich was very enjoyable.

Energy & Spatial Changes seminar @ Pakhuys de Zwijger


The transition towards a low-carbon future is accelerating across all sectors in The Netherlands. On Tuesday December 12 Pakhuys de Zwijger hosted an event on how the energy transition affects space in the urban environment. Different questions were addressed; How much space does the energy transition require and are we able to accommodate those needs in our densely populated country? What is the spatial impact of this transition on the living environment, in both urban and rural landscapes?

Uncertainty reduction in smart energy systems

This event is co-organized by the AMS institute, AMS dives into the dynamics and solutions of the sustainable energy transition; and explores its spatial, social and technological questions for the city of Amsterdam, its metropolitan region and the Netherlands as a whole. This is the reason AMS also funds the URSES research program which our research on Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage systems @ TUDelft is part of. Therefore, they asked me to tell about how ATES systems affect subsurface space in cities at this event.

The energy transition will affect the space in cities… and in rural areas and… at sea

Basic calculations in the first contribution of the evening already made it very clear; for dense urban settings like we have in NL it is impossible to get all the required energy for heating, cooling, transport and power from the city area and direct surroundings. There is currently one city in Europe who succeeded to do so: Sienna. Sienna has 100 inhabitants/km2, Amsterdam 5000. So next to improving existing technologies we also need many new solutions, reduce demand dramatically and then still probably import sustainable energy. In the end we thus definitely see the effect of the energy transition in the urban environment. ATES and other types of subsurface thermal energy storage systems may contribute significantly to energy savings, without affecting the living environment. Of course we do need to carefully exploit and utilize subsurface space to attain maximum energy saving and sustainable use of it. But that is exactly what we are working on.


Ons artikel over de WKO-triplet staat online

Bodemenergiesystemen worden veelvuldig toegepast om energie te besparen. De warmtepomp van zulke systemen gebruikt echter nog altijd veel elektriciteit. Het WKO-‘triplet’-systeem vermijdt elektriciteitsverbruik door de warmtepomp door warmte en koude op het gewenste temperatuurniveau in te vangen en in de bodem op te slaan met (bijvoorbeeld) zonnecollectoren en droge koelers.

Duurzame warmte gaat ondergronds

Ons artikel dat we hebben geschreven n.a.v. een vraag van NetbeheerNL is gepubliceerd in VV+ hier staat de PDF: 2017VV06 26-31.


Warmtenetten maken de distributie van industriële rest- of duurzame warmte mogelijk. Warmtevraag en –aanbod sluiten in de tijd echter niet goed aan. Zo is de vraag naar warmte het grootst in de winter, terwijl productie van industriële restwarmte constant is en die van duurzame zonnewarmte variabel en vooral in de zomer plaatsvindt. Warmteopslag kan de verbindende factor vormen tussen aanbod en vraag. Op de schaal van warmtenetten zijn hiervoor grote opslagvolumes nodig om afstemming tussen vraag en aanbod over seizoenen heen te kunnen realiseren. Ondergrondse zandlagen bieden meer dan voldoende ruimte voor de realisatie van deze benodigde grootschalige warmteopslag. ondergrondse warmteopslag kan de piekvraag naar warmte duurzaam invullen en als back-up voorziening worden ingezet. Hiermee draagt ondergrondse warmteopslag bij om warmtenetten duurzamer, robuuster en toekomstbestendiger te maken.

Aqua Con Soil sur le côtes du Rhône

Every other year Deltares and BRGM organize the Aqua con soil Conference where applications and processes in subsurface and groundwater are the central topic. This year it was in Lyon and I contributed to 2 sessions.

Groundwater energy: policies, integrated technologies & management

My main contribution was in the Groundwater Energy session, where I gave pitch about my work on optimal use of subsurface space with ATES smart energy grids. There were 4 other pitches, which all ended with a statement which were then subject of discussion with a panel and audience. The statements were:

  1. ATES wells can and must be placed closer together to utilize full potential of subsurface space for heat storage. (Martin Bloemendal, TUDelft/KWR)
  2. The combination of ATES and bioremediation is very valuable but needs a high degree of organization. (Tim Grotenhuis, WUR)
  3. Technical solutions play a major role to overcome policy barriers. (Julian Roderiguez, Itecon)
  4. Combination of ATES & PVT van unlock cost-effective sustainable energy production Europe-wide. Restrictions like maximum intriltration temperatures may block the high potential. (Nanne Hoekstra, Deltares
  5. Economy is not a limiting factor for application of ATES in Europe. (Luciano Pozzi, Nomisma Energia)

The pitches were followed by lively discussions with the audience. I expected some opposition on my statement as it is not in line with the current practice and the precautionary principle, which is commonly used by governments around the world.


However, fortunately people acknowledge that we really need to utilize each m3 of subsurface space for sustaining our heating and cooling systems. So the discussion was not really on whether to do this or not, but more on how it works and how this may work in practice.

The pitch on the PVT system in combination with ATES caused some stir in the audience, because of the opportunities in combination with high temperature storage. Since I’m also involved in that project that was very interesting. Afterwards I Talked to a Chinese developer of district heating networks who is interested in solar heating systems in combination with high temperature storage in the subsurface, as China now only wants to develop “clean-district heating”.

Subsurface Engineering to optimize diverse use options

My second contribution was as a co-author in the presentation of Tim Grotenhuis of Wageningen University in the session on subsurface engineering to optimize diverse use options. In his talk “Groundwater energy storage in the sustainable energy transition”, Tim showed how the increased use of groundwater with ATES may affect contamination sites in urban areas. Both ATES systems and contamination sites cumulate in urban areas, so he talked about his research on increasing bioremediation with ATES. My contribution was the fact that with our smart ATES concept, ATES well hydraulic radii overlap, which then increases spreading and dilution of contaminants as was showed by one of my MSc students, Inge Phernambuqc.